Monday, June 1, 2009

Christopher Randall Larrabee

Christopher Randall Larrabee

September 11th, 2001 is a day that changed my life, just like so many other people. I saw how selfishly I lived my life and how much I took for granted. It is a day that I vowed I would never forget and I have been true to my word. So when I heard about this project going on to memorialize each victim from the World Trade Center site I knew I wanted to be part of it. When I signed up for the 2,996 Project I did not realize the task I had agreed to. I had no idea it would become such an emotional journey.� So as I sit here now and try to write this tribute to Christopher Randall Larrabee, my assigned person, my stomach is in knots. I'm worried I may disappoint his family.��I hope to do my best to honor his memory on behalf of his family and friends.

After hours and hours of searching I really couldn't find out much information on Christopher Randall Larrabee. I searched newspapers, I searched September 11 sites. You name it, I was probably there. I think the reason I couldn't find�a great deal on Chris' life is because he was just an ordinary guy. �He'd �never broken any world records or�had been on any crime sprees. He was just an average American...that�is except to his family. To his family Chris was a son to Janet��and Stephen, a brother to Nicole, and a twin to his sister Paige and now an uncle to a child who will never get to meet him. �

Chris grew up in Palo Verdes Estates, California.�He truly seemed he was the life of the party. He played high school foot ball, and acted in plays he once even dressed as a cowboy and had to make up his lines as he went along. He apparently stole the show! At the age of 18 he had to undergo brain surgery because of painful seizures. He continued with his studies at the University of Arizona and in 1998 he graduated with a Bachelors degree in media arts.�He stopped his seizure medications and wound up back in the hospital. When he recovered from that he took a vow to live each day to its fullest.

In 2001 he moved from California to New York. He had his sights set on becoming an institutional stock broker; His father Stephen helped him get a job with Cantor Fitzgerald on the 104th floor of the World Trade Center in New York City. At 26 he� had just�started his life in a new city and on a new salary. And even though he was far from home and his family and a bit nervous living in such a big city he was on his way.�This young mans life was changing and he was enjoying every minute of it. And he did until September 11, 2001 terrorists took his life at the young age of 26, on the 104th floor of the World Trade Center.

�When I started writing this I never really expected it to become�so personal. But I spent hours reading everything I could find on Chris. I wanted him to be remembered. It's hard to write about someone you never met and sadly never will. But the more I read, the more I have gotten to know and like him. I couldn't help but think of all the things he will never be able to do. He will never be a husband, a father or even a stockbroker. His life was taken away. And for what?�Because he was an American and he �went to work on a beautiful sunny Tuesday September �morning.�It really doesn't make sense.�After reading entry upon entry of online tributes and guestbook’s I can tell you he was well liked by his friends and very loved by his family. Reading their descriptions of him gave me a picture of a guy who was really funny and great to be around. I know I would have enjoyed his company and we would have become fast friends.

The more I read the more I feel his family's loss.� I can't help but wonder if my fellow bloggers are going through the same thing. A connection with a total stranger who you will never be able to meet. I will never forget this journey. It has made me a better person. Chris? If you're looking down on me from above, I hope I did you justice.� I tried my very best. I will never forget you and please know you are�deeply missed.

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