Monday, June 1, 2009

the message

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The Message

� Last week at the airport I had a man come up to my counter and ask me if I'd like to hear a story about the USO? I said, "Well� is it a good story?" He said he'd let me decide. He said that because of the USO he got to see the Bob Hope Christmas show when he was in Vietnam. Because of the USO he always had�a place to rest in�airports. Lastly because of the USO he had a place he knew he could go where someone would be nice to him. He told me all about his time in Vietnam. I told him about some of my times with the USO. I told him that later that night I was going to be bringing some troops home from Iraq. He said, "Would you do me a favor? Would you give them a message for me?�When you get some time I want you to pull a couple aside and tell them that an old Vietnam Veteran said thank you and welcome home." I was so taken aback by his words that tears just instantly formed in my eyes. My bottom lip trembled and I managed to shake my head that indeed I would deliver his message. I felt so silly sitting there on the verge of a melt down in front of a stranger.�Luckily he didn't make a big deal out of my lack of composure. He laughed and said, "Don't feel bad..women always cry when I leave the room..oh sorry..I have that wrong..women always cry when I ENTER the room."

�He made his way off to the gate. I thought he was gone. A short time later I saw him back at the Delta counter. When he was finished and was coming back my way I walked over to him. I took my wristband off and told him I wanted him to have it to remember me by. He said he'd be honored to wear it.� As he turned to leave he looked down at it and said, "Thank you very much. I will wear this but most of all I will remember the spirit in which it was given to me. "

said 37 months ago Edit · Delete · Permalink · 1 Comments