Monday, June 1, 2009

last monday in may

The Last Monday In May

� The last Monday in May has been set aside as a holiday. It is a holiday set aside for remembrance and reflection. It is a holiday to pay our respects to all military service members who have fallen. But sadly, that meaning has been lost to so many. Memorial Day is NOT about big sales in department stores. It should not be seen as the "kick off" of summer.� It should be about patriotism and gratitude. We should all be grateful for those brave enough to go into harms way to protect us.

I'm having trouble with my thoughts today. So, I'll give you�the words to the song written about Memorial Day. �

���������������������������������������� “On This Day”

by Charles Strouse, 2003

The bugle has sounded, its notes drift away, this time now belongs to you.

On this day for one brief moment, hear the silence fill the air
Think of those who walked beside us, now no longer there,

Then don’t cry but hear their laughter, for their spirit lives inside
Let that mystic stream of mem’ry fill our hearts with pride!

Make us humble, make us knowing, and accepting what is done
On this day for now, forever, make this nation one!
On this day for all the fallen, make this nation one!