Monday, June 1, 2009

Closing This Chapter

Have you ever been somewhere you felt you shouldn't be? You knew you didn't belong but couldn't get away? That's the way I felt at the end of the tree ceremony. After the trees had been dedicated the crowd went over to see the markers, speak to the families etc. I was behind Castillo standing in front Kirkpatrick's tree. It was a place I wish I hadn't been. I had no idea that Castillo had never met DavaidKirkpatrick's family. But they met on that day. And they met in front of my eyes. First the mom came over and hugged him tightly and he began to cry. Then the dad came over and held him. The dad was talking over Castillo's shoulder so his voice was aimed right at me. I could hear what he was saying, and I've been haunted by it since. I have never heard anyone tell another person that it was ok that they were alive. But this father did. I have never seen a person put another person's pain before their own like this, but this father did. I will never forget the look of compassion in his eyes.