Monday, June 1, 2009

16 Honks

I think being a parent is one of the hardest jobs in the world. You're responsible for shaping a mind, helping build character and the overall well being of a small person. I worry that I'm not a good mom. That I may make the wrong decision and traumatize my children for life. Yet at the same time having to stand back and let them find some things on their own. Always hoping you've taught them well..keeping fingers crossed..well let me tell you about the 16 honks.... Yesterday morning I had an incoming flight. Finally a homecoming after soooooo many deployments. What a relief that was. So my husband was going with me and my son William was going to my mom's house. As we were leaving I asked if he wanted to go to the highway and watch the buses go by? He said yes, he would. So I told him to get one of the small flags and take it with him. He looked at me funny and said, "But mom, those are so small. Can I take the big one?" I said ok sure. He ran into the bedroom and brought back the flag. The flag pole was taller than he was. Grinning at me he said," I just want to make sure the soldiers see me mom." I agreed that yes that would be important. So we drop him at my mom's and I told him I'd let them know when the buses left the airfield. We only live about 5 miles from the airfield and the buses travel the highway in front of our house. So when the buses left, I called them. Then went back in to clean up and put stuff away. Then we went home. My dad dropped William off a little while later. He came in and I asked him if he saw the buses he said he did. He said the MP's blew the horn, the buses blew their horns and the soldiers were hanging out the windows and waving to him. I told him that was awesome! And I knew those soldiers appreciated him being out there. He thought about that for a second then goes, "Yeah, but guess what? I got 16 honks!!!!!" I said ," Really? One MP and three did you get 16 honks?" All excited he told me about how the other cars on the highway would honk at him as they went by. He said, " I counted them momma!! And I got 16 honks!!"

As if that wasn't enough for one day, we went to the airport where 25 Marines were coming home. We had small flags to hand out. He asked me if he could hand them out? I gave him a handful and off he went. We watched him go from person to person.. taking the time to explain why we were there and asking the people to help us welcome home these Marines. One lady called me over and told me what a wonderful son I had. I agreed with her and thanked her. The Marines came in and the whole place stood and cheered. It was a great moment. I was glad to share it with my children. Last night when we got home, William took his USO sticker off his shirt and asked his dad if it was ok if he put it on his binder? Bill said sure. Then William said, "I can't wait to get to school tomorrow and tell my friends what I did