Monday, June 1, 2009

Yesterday I Laid A Wreath

Yesterday was Wreaths Across America. I attended the ceremony at Fort Stewart and it was called Wreaths For Warriors Walk. It was a chilly day, but the sky was as beautiful a blue as it could be. This year I laid my wreath on the tree of David Kirkpatrick. A young man I never met, but I sent off to Iraq. a young man whose family I have become quite fond of. They live in Indiana, so in their absence I chose his tree. I also took some Christmas ornaments to hang in his tree. I got my wreath from a table covered in green wreaths with red ribbons..all waiting to be placed on their trees. I walked to his tree and was surprised to see the teddy bear I placed there in July still there and in good shape. I placed his wreath at the trunk of his tree and fluffed the red bow. I placed his bear in the middle of the wreath. I then placed the faded family photo next to the bear. I thought of the family who has been left with a empty place that will never be filled. I swallowed the tears and let out a deep breath. I was surprised when i turned to see a tall young man in Class A's and a CAV hat standing behind me watching me..his wife by his side. I turned back to the tree and hung his stocking. Feeling a little unnerved by them standing behind me I turned and asked if he knew David? He stepped forward and said," Yes mam..he was my room mate." I asked him if he'd like to help me hang the ornaments on the tree? " I would love to help you mam." he said. So together he and i decorated the tree. He talked about David and all the good times they had together. He said he missed him terribly. I had a silver star in the bag of ornaments..and I told him it seemed only fitting that he put the star on the tree. His eyes welled up with tears and he said thank you. He chose a branch high up in the tree for the star and tied it.We stood back and admired our work and talked for a bit longer. I asked if he had ever met David's family? He said no because he was deployed and with those words his voice broke and tears filled his eyes once more. He said it should have been him that night instead of David. He said he blamed himself. I hugged him and told him no...I put my hand on his shoulder and looked up at him..looked him in the eyes and shook my head no. I told him things happen that we can't control. It was not his fault and for him not to blame i spoke to him tears fell down my own cheeks. My heart broke for this young man..this proud young soldier standing before me so filled with remorse. I had no comfort to offer him. No words i could say could help his pain. I could only try to reassure him that it wasn't his fault..and when my words fell silent we turned our attention back to the tree of his friend. It was then that we noticed..OUR tree was the ONLY one blooming. The tiny pink flowers in all their glory..right there for this special day..on this special tree..of a special young man whose life was taken too soon.