Monday, June 1, 2009

Postcard Fun!

I haven't written in a while because I have been very busy helping deploy soldiers. And since I have two things to blog about, one happy one sad, I chose the happy one. The sad one will come later. During the deployment we set up a table with cards, post cards and notebook paper for the soldiers to send a note home before they leave. We ran out of postcards. So I did an online search and emailed a few companies and told them what I was doing and asked for donations of postcards. Not very many responded. But one company called PostcardMania sent us 18,000 postcards! They were beautiful patriotic cards. I was in shock when I got them. I couldn't believe the generosity of this company. I set up the table and laid them out in stacks and the soldiers came by I encouraged them to write home. More than a few grumbles came back at me. They had just left home why did they need to write? I explained that in a few days the shock was going to set in. Their families would be hit with the realization that they were gone. The house would become a few days is when their absence would be felt the most. Their families would be missing them terribly. And when I said just think what a note from you could do to lift their spirits. For them to know that up until the last minute on US soil you were thinking of them. And you're going to miss them just as much. I said I guarantee when you come home you'll see that card somewhere and it will be worn from being read so many times. I didn't really have to say anything more. They all began choosing their cards and got down to writing. When they were finished they thanked us. They said they actually felt better. I could see the tension lifted off them. Their burden of leaving was a little lighter now. That was indeed the best gift I could have ever given them. Tags: | Edit Tags