Monday, June 1, 2009

The Young Recruit

The Young Recruit

�This is the story of young guy going to Parris Island for boot camp. At the airport here the Marines have an office. Recruits get off their flights, they are processed, then they are transported over to Parris Island. I don't usually see very many. Mostly they come late in the afternoon after I'm gone. One this day in particular, one came very early. He was there before the liasions were. So he was at my counter talking to me. He asked me for an envelope. He had written a letter to his girlfriend while he was on the plane. I got his envelope and he was just about to write her address when my friend Brosnan (recruit liasion) came over to get him. I told Brosnan what he was doing and asked if it was ok if he finished filling out the address. He said it was and to send him over when he was done.�I think it scared the little guy so bad..he lost all thought processes! He looked at me with a blank look on his face. When he finally spoke he said he couldn't remember where his girlfriend's address went on the envelope. I helped him finish his letter and he asked if I could mail it for him? I told him sure. He held the letter out to me...I tried to take it, but he wouldn't let go. He just had this�deer in the headlights like look �in his eyes. I finally put my hand over his and said,"'s ok. I know you're scared, but you're gonna be fine. You're doing a good thing. A noble and respectable thing. Just don't quit." And with those words he released the letter and said thank you. He stood tall and walked over to the office to begin his journey to the famous yellow footprints. I saw him a couple of hours later as he made his way to the awaiting van. He looked over his shoulder at me and smiled. I was so proud of that young guy. I hope he made it. OOHRAH....