Monday, June 1, 2009

My Tiny Friend

Once again I find myself grieving the loss of a friend. Not a human friend, but a four legged friend. Most people will have little sympathy for that kind of loss. But to me, in my world, it is equally as devastating to me as a human loss. I have had my dogs longer than my kids and most of my human friends. Please let me to tell you about my friend, Bink Bink AKA Princess AKA The Binkster...About 14 years ago a couple dropped off this 6 week old Pekingese puppy for boarding at my kennel. They had just purchased her from a local pet store a few days before. And they needed to go out of town for a few days. She was just a tiny white ball of fur with a smooshed in face. She was so little we were afraid to leave her alone in the kennel so we brought her up to the house to take care of her while her "parents" went away. It didn't take long for this little dog to win our heart. She was full of personality and life. Of course being a puppy she was into everything. We even found out she was paper trained when one Sunday morning we're sitting with the paper spread across the living room floor and she came in and did her business right there on the sale papers! The time came when her parents were supposed to pick her up....and the time went by. No word from them nothing. It was then that we realized we had no contact info on these people. the info they gave was false. It looked like Princess, as they named her was abandoned. Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. about 6 months later the people returned for her. By this time we were so attached to her it broke our hearts to have to give her back. But we had no we wrote up their bill and gave it to them. When they saw the bill they were shocked..I'm not sure what they expected after 6 months of boarding fees. They quickly changed their minds about wanting the dog back stating for that amount of money they could just go buy another. People put so much emphasis on money and what they didn't know was..the little creature they were leaving behind..was priceless. I'm thankful every day that they were so shallow. Because that little dog has given me and my family 14 years of smiles. She was the matter how many times you washed her..the STINKIEST little dog I have ever owned. But she had the heart and courage of a pit bull. Weighing only 12 pounds at her most butterball finest..she never backed down from the big dogs. And has been known many times to hang onto their bottom jaw with her teeth defending her food. There will never be another, no amount of money will ever buy another like that one. I will miss her so much. As I sit here writing this tribute to my friend, Bink Bink, she's wrapped in a blanket waiting on her "daddy" to come to bury her. I'll see you again one day Bink Bink....RIP.