Monday, June 1, 2009

Why Do I Support Our Troops?

Why Do I Support Our Troops?

While working my USO shift at the airport recently I was asked by someone� if my husband was in the military, my reply was no. Then they asked if my dad was retired military again my reply was no. "So..then why do you do this if you don't have to?" they asked..If I don't have to??? Of course I don't HAVE to! Idiot!! I looked at them and said, "First of all..I don't HAVE to do this. I love doing this. It is my choice to donate my time. It's the least I can do for what our troops do for us. And second I do this because I never forogt how I felt on 9/11. THAT'S why I do this, because I'm damn grateful." As they turned and left my booth I knew they didn't get it. Sadly most people don't get it����������

��We live in Savannah �smack dab in the middle of two Army posts. So we are lucky enough to share our city with a large military population.� September 11th had a profound effect on my life. It was such a huge eye opener for me, as I'm sure it was for many people. You see, I've lived in Savannah my whole life. I'm ashamed to admit it, but I never really gave the military here much thought. Never thought about what they did or what they meant. September 11th changed that. In the days and weeks following September 11th we began to see convoys on the road and much more helicopter traffic flying over our house. You could just sense that something was going to happen and soon. And it did.....our friends and neighbors began leaving their families behind. They were leaving their families to go to an unknown place to right a wrong done to this nation. They were leaving with the sorrows of a country on their shoulders. What a heavy burden that must have been. It really hit home when my son's best friend Logan's dad got called up. William began asking questions. "Where did Logan's dad go? Why did he have to leave?" I told him Logan's dad was going to find the men that crashed the planes into the building so it wouldn't happen again. That we should be very thankful to everybody who is trying to protect our country. That we should thank every soldier that we saw.� We should never take our freedom �for granted. And we always respect the men and women that protect us and keep us free.�
Well I think my words sank in with them. Because now if they see a person in uniform they walk up and tell them, "Thank you for protecting our country." This poster was made by Madison for her daddy to hang up at his work place. The picture in itself speaks a thousand words. We all should thank a soldier

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